Instagram Marketing Increases Selling Speed Opportunities For Your Business

Instagram marketing

The term Instagram marketing is a type of social media marketing that involves the promotion of a brand on Instagram. This social media platform helps the different brands to reach out to a large amount of audience, increase your brand’s awareness & boost your sales.

There are more than 4.5 billion people who can be your potential customers are always active on different social media platforms. There is an expert team of digital marketers who can help you to promote your brand on Instagram. If you are looking to increase your brand’s visibility to a large number of audiences then you should use Instagram to promote your brand.

Why is Instagram Marketing Important for your Business?

Instagram is a wonderful platform where to can connect with a large number of visitors, which is approximately over 1 billion every month. It has been found that on an average people spend around 50 minutes every day on Instagram, that gives this platform no. 2 place in the most used social media platform after Facebook.

Instagram offers facilities in maintaining your connection with the potential customers effectively. People love to follow the brands in this platform – 90% of people follow at least single brand on Instagram.

Other important thing to know is the selling speed opportunities of Instagram. As per the research done by Facebook in 2022, it was found that 69% of users, went to the website of a particular brand after witnessing it on Instagram itself. When it comes to purchases, 48% of interviews bought the brands as well.

Instagram offers involvement with a large number of people, who comment and like the activities of the brands on Instagram on the daily basis, is the main benefit of marketing done via Instagram.

Benefits/ Advantages of Instagram Marketing

Over the previous few years, Instagram has evolved into the best place to market the services and products that your business has to offer. There are mainly four benefits or advantages of the above-mentioned social media marketing. The advantages are as follows-

Brand Strengthening: The Instagram marketing strategy helps to increase the brand recognition of your company, Over 82% of users accept that this wonderful social media platform helps them in getting new information about the brands, products and services. It is found that people consider brands to be more trustworthy after seeing them on Instagram.

Brands which do not have an account on Instagram are most likely to be considered not worthy enough by the visitors and hence will be discarded by them.

Improved involvement: Social media platforms are wonderful channels to create and establish a bond with clients.

You can get response from your visitors in the form of likes and comments, you can also communicate with them with an interesting content & also you can let them know about special discounts and many more activities.

Enlarged Sales: It is a known fact that the audience of the Instagram social media buys the products and services desirably. The audience who purchases is huge about 16% of all social media visitors in Canada conduct their purchase through Instagram.

This social network offers different kinds of tools to the users so that they can shop directly from the application. The tools include links, shopping tags, advertisements & many more options.

Audience Growth Opportunities: the Instagram social media increases the reach of your business by letting you decide your target audience. The opportunity can be accessed on the advertisement manager page & then you can select targeting options. You can select audience according to their demographic area, their interests, their behaviour & more.

Instagram Marketing Strategy

All the marketing channels a perfectly framed strategy to get wonderful results for the business you own. To make a strategy that will work effectively for your Instagram marketing, then you need to follow certain steps.

Make your targets: The first step of your marketing strategy should be setting your goals. Your goals are going to define everything that you are going to do on the Instagram platform. The main objective of your brand should be to increase brand recognition, reputation of brand, generating a community, advancement of sales, getting clients & marketing insights.

Check Out Your Target Audience: It is imperative to keep your eyes on the type of audience your business wants to target. Make sure to check out the buyer persona and collect all the details about the potential customers, including income level, gender, location, gender and age, etc.  The performance of your efforts will be based upon how wisely you know your customers.

 Analyse Your Competitors: Before starting your marketing campaign on the Instagram platform, you have to do research on your competitor’s profile.  Make sure that you also have checked the behaviour of your rivals, which mean their interaction with their audience as well as other influencers or brands.

Get a Business Account: Two types of accounts are offered by the Instagram – one is personal and the other one is business. Multiple advantages as well opportunities are attached with the business account. For instance, tracking the performance of your business in the real time becomes pretty possible. It is very easy to know everything about the follower’s behaviour, which can benefit your company, furthermore.

Creation of the Content: Whether you are using the social medial platforms like Facebook or Instagram or a website – you can’t ignore the importance of the content. Look into the visual part and text when you are creating the content for Instagram. There are different types of content formats that can help you to win over your target audience.

Final Words: The above analysis shows multiple ways to use Instagram for marketing your products & services. In this new age of technology all the leading brands are selling their products through social media.

So, if you want your product or service to be successful then you should also start selling on different social media platforms like Instagram & Facebook etc. Social media helps you to reach out to a large number of customers who are interested to buy your products or avail your services.

Feel free to contact our Obiyan Infotech team of professionals who have in-depth knowledge of how to make Instagram Marketing strategies for you.